Special Press Solutions

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    Horizontal Bale Press Solutions

    Special Solutions for Your Needs

    Horizontal Paper and PET Bale Press Solutions Designed Specifically for Your Needs

    Beyond our standard production, we design horizontal bale press machines that will meet the specific needs of your business. Our horizontal press machines with powerful hydraulic units compress paper, PET and other recyclable materials with high pressure, allowing you to obtain durable and compact bales.

    High Speed ​​Automatic Tying Unit

    Our automatic tying unit, which works much faster than its competitors, creates tighter and more durable bales with less wire usage. In this way, you gain both operational speed and save on wire costs.

    Adjustable Bale Length and Robust Construction

    Thanks to the wide case length, you can easily adjust the bale length and weight according to your needs. Its robust construction offers the opportunity to work with high pressure, so you get a long-lasting and efficient solution.

    Contact us to get more information about our special design and production processes or to discover our solutions specific to your needs.

    Your Needs Special Application Solutions

    Compression Force

    Waste Volume

    Progress Opening